

Get to Know DNS: The Basics & How it Works

Domain name system shortly named DNS is the backbone of the internet. We cannot even imagine the internet without DNS. DNS is called the phonebook of the internet which maps a domain name to its IP address. Why do we…

How To Dockerize Laravel Application

In this tutorial, we are going to dockerize a sample Laravel application using Docker-compose, Nginx-PHP and MySQL on the ubuntu server. What are docker and docker-compose? Docker blogs Visit our docker blogs section to get more understanding of docker containers.…

How to create partitions in Linux using fdisk.

Creating partitions in Linux will help you to split your hard drive into multiple units and act independently.In Linux, we can use the parted or fdisk command Linux utility to create and modify your partitions.Fdisk is the most commonly used…

How to write Ansible playbooks.

In this blog, we are going to learn the basics of Ansible playbooks the important commands used, the syntax, the different modules and how to write a sample playbook including all these.This blog is a continuation of our previous blog…

How to use environment variables in Docker

If you’re new to Docker, you might be wondering what environment variables are and how they can be used in your containers. Environment variables are essentially key-value pairs that you can set in your Docker container to define certain properties…

Building Containers with Docker: Understanding the Dockerfile

What is docker? Docker is a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers. Containers are lightweight, standalone executable packages that contain everything an application needs to run, including code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings. Docker allows developers…

Getting started with AWS and its basic services

Looking to take advantage of the cloud? Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the perfect choice for easy storage and computing services. Get started with AWS and find out what makes its basic offerings so powerful. Before getting started with AWS…